JOURNAL: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment AUTHORS: Aníbal Pauchard , Christoph Kueffer , Hansjörg Dietz, Curtis C Daehler, Jake Alexander, Peter J Edwards, José Ramón Arévalo, Lohengrin A Cavieres, Antoine Guisan, Sylvia Haider, Gabi Jakobs, Keith McDougall, Constance I Millar, Bridgett J Naylor, Catherine G Parks, Lisa J Rew, Tim Seipel. SUMMARY: Here, we discuss four main drivers that shape plant invasions into high‐elevation habitats: (1) the (pre‐)adaptation of non‐native species to abiotic conditions, (2) natural and anthropogenic disturbances, (3) biotic resistance of the established communities, and (4) propagule pressure. We propose a comprehensive research agenda for tackling the problem of plant invasions into mountain ecosystems, including documentation of mountain invasion patterns at multiple scales, experimental studies, and an assessment of the impacts of non‐native species in these systems. The threat posed to high‐elevation biodiversity by invasive plant species is likely to increase because of globalization and climate change. CULTURAL REFERENCE: "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" is an R&B/soul song written by Nickolas Ashford & Valerie Simpson in 1966. The composition was first successful as a 1967 hit single recorded by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell, becoming a hit again in 1970 when recorded by former Supremes frontwoman Diana Ross. |
May 2020
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